+48 91 577 47 41 office@wgolegal.pl Polish | English | Deutsch


Data publikacji: 23-12-2017

Taxes We provide comprehensive services in day-to-day tax advisory for businesses, preparation of analysis for actual or planned economic activities, developing tax structures and tax optimisation, representing Clients in tax-related and administrative proceedings.

Real estate and construction investments

Data publikacji: 23-12-2017

Real estate and construction investments The Legal Office offers legal services both at the real estate stage, as well as in the course of the whole construction process. Legal assistance provided by the Legal Office includes in particular verification and analysis of the existing legal status of land properties and housing estates; developing contractual documentation


Energy sector

Data publikacji: 23-12-2017

Energy sector The Legal Office offers legal assistance in a wide range of issues of conventional and renewable energy, including, in particular, in the scope connected with the energy trade, transmission, distribution and storage, obtaining permits and licenses, and in the scope relating to comprehensive management of investment processes. Legal assistance consists in particular in


Economic activity and corporate matters

Data publikacji: 23-12-2017

Economic activity and corporate matters We provide comprehensive services of legal assistance, acting at the request of individual entrepreneurs as well as commercial companies or capital groups from Poland and Germany. Our legal assistance covers both the stage of planning and starting a business activity, including the creation of appropriate structures adjusted to the profile


Transport and logistics

Data publikacji: 23-12-2017

Transport and logistics Due to their specific location, Germany and Poland play a very important role in the logistics and transport system in Europe. We offer legal assistance both at the stage of planning and organising cooperation, as well as completion and, finally, settlement of projects, including the recovery of claims that may arise on


Work and services

Data publikacji: 23-12-2017

Work and services Labour and service markets in Poland and Germany are closely intertwined. It is manifested in the employment and flow of workers on the one hand, and the sector of services and delivering orders in the trans-border aspect on the other hand. The establishment of cooperation, proper organisation as well as assumed division


Production and Trade

Data publikacji: 23-12-2017

Production and trade Production and trade constitute the bloodstream of the economies of Poland and Germany, as well as the basic determinant of the excellent trade cooperation between the two countries. Legal support is necessary in relation to the whole range of issues connected with planning, organising, and carrying out the production process, and, eventually,
